Friday 16 March 2018

Musical Skills

Which of the following can you already demonstrate?

LogicPro 9

Notes on a keyboard

LogicPro X

Performance experience

Logic shortcuts

Learning something ‘by ear’

How to record audio

Reading music notation

Which microphone for what job

Writing music notation

Mixing Skills

Coming up with harmonies

Making a ‘beat’

Writing lyrics

Programming Drums

Reading/writing chord charts

Apple Loops

Key signatures

Advanced editing techniques such as flextime, flexpitch etc

Time signatures (other than 4/4)



Creating a Logic score

Do you have more or less for the course you plan to apply for?

How can you develop the skills you still need?

* these are the skills that were identified by those that were here as needing to be developed by people.

Ways you can develop these skills are:

  • Practice!!!! Book access time and practice.
  • Use your ears - listen to what sounds right and work out why.
  • Make use of your classes - we are here to teach you so if you want to know more then just ask.
  • There are loads and loads of really useful books about microphones, mixing etc that are available to you. Just ask.  Soon they will be in the rehearsal room corridor for people to access. Also ask Grant as he's an expert in these things. 
  • Ask your classmates - you all know different things at different levels - learn from each other.
  • Go to The Roundhouse 
  • Make friends with 2nd year production - they have studio access and may be willing to let you sit in on a session so you can see how they work.

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